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10-40% Yield Increase
Our data shows the most direct impact to Superior Yields is assuring that water and nutrients exist in the Active Root Zone (ARZ) when and where the plant attempts to uptake these vital elements.
Real time data from anywhere:
- Crop Health
- Data Sent Every Hour
- Phone, I-Pad, Laptop
- Text Alerts
AquaSpy is not using the notion of available soil moisture. There are no systems that can accurately report that number without a significant lab level calibration for each install. Instead the AquaSpy system will automatically calculate the field capacity (full point) for each layer and then use machine learning to calculate the point where the roots in that particular layer is running out of water (refill point). These two data points will set the boundary for each layer and is far more accurate than what a human being can conclude from a typical raw data set.
Our probe is capable of separating moisture from EC, every 4 inches, down to 48 inches deep, giving measurements for each zone separately and giving moisture available in both the active root zone and the entire profile separately.
There are 3 main benefits of using the AquaSpy system:
1. The AquaSpy system calculates and monitors the status of the active rootzone. The system will automatically detect actual root growth and only include sensor data from those layers. When the grower is actively managing the crop towards the recommended optimum band in the growth template, we are seeing a 5% – 40% yield improvement. The most common mistake by growers is to irrigate too often and too shallow. By irrigating less frequently and deeper the crop will grow faster and produce more.
2. The average grower will save 4-8 cm of water during a season. This is achieved through a combination of reduced evaporation, zero loss of water at the bottom of the rootzone and avoiding unnecessary irrigations at the end of the growing season.
3. Better fertigation management. By knowing the amount of moisture in the active rootzone, the grower can apply fertigation much more accurately and hence avoid unintended leaching.
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