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Price for areas from 30 up to 100 hectares
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Season subscription - Large


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Price for areas greater than 100 hectares
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OBSERVE – VINEYARD is the remote monitoring service especially thought for vineyard management.
Some multispectral indexes show a good correlation with oenological characteristics and they can be efficiently estimated during the season. The service consists in provision of multispectral index maps related to relevant crop parameters:
– Crop growth during the season
– Water stress indexes for the optimization of irrigation strategy.
– Brix level
– Total phenolic content
– Brix to total acidity
– Anthocyanin level
Maps are made available on the personal account on the OMICAFARM platform and they have following technical characteristics:
– Spatial resolution up to 10 m
– Revisit time up to 5 days, depending on cloud coverage and satellite imagery availability
– Availability in geotiff format, upon request

The service can be combined with the local monitoring service (SENSE) to make a unique integrated monitoring system (SENSE& OBSERVE). OBSERVE is especially suitable for monitoring of large fields, but, considering the good spatial resolution, it fits very well also needs of small farmers.

Furthermore, farmer can access to the archive of satellite data and compare the beahaviour of the vineyard in the past years with the service OMICAFARM – PLAN – VINEYARD.

Upon request, multispectral analysis with high resolution images can be performed with following characteristics:
– Spatial resolution up to 1,5 m
– Revisit time up to 3 days or less

OMICAFARM is a solution:
– Flexible: no limitation on filed size.
– Modular: it can be combined with other OMICAFARM services
– Easy to Use: the service is accessible from the OMICAFARM website and no additional Software is needed.


OMICAFARM® – OBSERVE allows farmers to monitor the growth of their crops through analysis of satellite imagery. Farmer can control extended areas with no limitations, worldwide. Satellite imagery are automatically download and analysed with a periodicity up to 5 days. Results of this complex analysis are provided as geo-referenced maps, available on the personal account. Farmers can get many useful information about crop biomass, water stress, yield prediction and their spatial distribution over the field.

Furthermore, the same information can be analysed for the past years with the service OMICAFARM® – PLAN – VINEYARD. In this way, farmer can compare different seasons and evaluate how the spatial variability of oenological characteristics changes season by seasons.

Satellite crop monitoring helps farmers to understand where, when and how to intervene thanks to georeferenced maps. These data are crucial to implement “zone management” strategies intervening only where necessary. OMICAFARM® is the ideal support for implementing intelligent crop strategies such as “Precision Irrigation” and “Precision Fertilization“. You can also check, in few days, the effectiveness of your actions having a feedback of the expected benefits.

Application for Smart Viticulture 

OMICAFARM® SENSE&OBSERVE is a service that enables farmers to:

–         Measure most relevant agro-environmental parameters at certain points of the vineyard OMICAFARM® Monitoring Stations (AGRO-WEATHERAGRO-BASICAGRO-SUN)

–         Evaluate the evolution of some key quality parameters (like brix levels, total phenolic content, brix to total acidity, anthocyanin levels) during the season

–     Observe the spatial distribution of water stress over the whole field

–         Decide the best timing for the grape harvest on the basis of measurable parameters!

Smart Viticulture allow to improve the yield of the vineyards and to differentiate the harvest grouping grapes with similar characteristics. The final result is a general improvement of the wine quality.

Application for Smart Irrigation or Precise Irrigation

OMICAFARM® SENSE&OBSERVE is a service that enables farmers to:

–         Measure the soil moisture and other environmental parameters at certain points within his field using OMICAFARM® Monitoring Stations (AGRO-WEATHERAGRO-BASICAGRO-SUN)

–         Observe the spatial distribution of water stress over the whole field

–         Decide on the basis of measurable parameters!

An optimized irrigation strategy can improve the crop yield of a factor from 20% up to 50%.

Application for Smart Fertilization or Precise Fertilization

OMICAFARM® SENSE&OBSERVE is a service that enables farmers to:

–         Measure agro-environmental parameters  with OMICAFARM® Monitoring Stations (AGRO-WEATHER, AGRO-BASIC, AGRO-SUN)

–         Observe the crop growth in each point of the field since the first stage

–         Evaluate and promptly intervene in case crop growth deficit are identified

–         Decide on the basis of measurable parameters!

An optimized fertilization strategy can improve the crop yield of a factor up to 20% reducing costs and improving environmental sustainability.

Application for Smart Planning

Upon request can be elaborated maps related to:

–         Dry fraction

–         Bare soil water content

–         Bare soil carbon content content

–         Bare soil electrical conductibility.

This type of analysis is very useful for planning precision fertilization strategy before the season starting. Pre-sowing analysis allows, as example, to identify zones, within the same filed with greater risk of water stagnation, or zones that needs a greater fertilization.

Post-harvest analysis allows to evaluate the carbon content left on-the-fields. This impact the fertility of the field and the yield of the next crop.

All this analysis can be performed on historical data up to 5-10 years (ask for info).

For further information, price policy for multiple purchase, contact us.

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